
Electric forklift manufacturers to teach everyone how to save money on forklifts


Published by NEWTON May 28,2020

The use of electric forklift truck has gradually become popular, but the cost of using  electric forklift truck is not small. The cost includes fuel, maintenance, labor, power and equipment loss. If you master the skills, you can reduce the operating cost of the forklift and save company funds. Some friends can't help but ask, is there any way to reduce costs. Then, we will customize it in electric forklift manufacturers to share with you some ways to save money on maintenance.

electric forklift manufacturers

Train electric forklift truck operators. If there is a problem with the technology of the forklift driver driving the electric forklift truck, it will cause a series of problems, such as: causing great damage to buildings, warehouse shelves, and even personnel. Therefore, the customization of electric forklift manufacturers suggests that the company should consciously train relevant knowledge for forklift driving staff. This training will not only familiarize the driver with the equipment, but also teach them to respond correctly under abnormal conditions.

Daily inspection. The customized recommendations of electric forklift manufacturers require each forklift operator to check before duty to ensure that everything is working properly. Before each shift, check oil, tires, water and safety items such as seat belts, nameplates and rearview mirrors to ensure the performance of the electric forklift truck and the safety of personnel.

electric forklift manufacturers

Pay attention to the use of equipment. Observe the data on the dashboard during driving to see if there are any abnormalities, and if necessary, immediately repair them. Then there is the battery and charger for the equipment. Improper battery handling can cause battery damage or damage to the electric forklift truck. A common error is that the voltage of the battery and the charger do not match. If you are not sure about the voltage of the battery, the electric forklift manufacturers recommends to count the battery, and then multiply it by 2 to ensure that the electric forklift battery is watered after charging 5-10 times.

electric forklift manufacturers

According to the forklift maintenance plan, you can spend less money. According to the actual situation of the electric forklift truck, a preventive maintenance plan is formulated. Professionals overhaul the equipment at a fixed cycle to ensure that the forklift is in a better working state at any time. Over time, this preventive maintenance measure will save you money lost due to equipment failures and expensive overhauls.

The above is the electric forklift manufacturers's way to save money on the operation of the forklift. I hope it can help everyone. If you have any other questions, you are welcome to call us.

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