
Electric forklift manufacturer: correctly treat personnel flow


Published by NEWTON May 17,2024

Electric forklift manufacturer once heard from Professor Kaperi of the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania in the United States: "Don't think of talent as a reservoir, it should be managed as a river; don't expect it to not flow, it should try to manage its flow rate and direction." The scissor lift manufacturer believes that the departure of old personnel actually means the supplement of fresh blood and the abandonment of old bad habits. Because good horses also eat back grass, we should plant back grass for good horses. The "old colleague project" allows enterprises to maintain lifelong contact with employees who have left.

corporate culture

The electric forklift manufacturer has learned that at present, many enterprises have the phenomenon of brain drain and inability to retain talents to varying degrees, including those enterprises with good development, superior environment, high integrity, flexible mechanism and law-abiding operation, sometimes fail to survive. There is always an insurmountable obstacle in the minds of enterprise leaders, that is, "brain drain rate". The scissor lift manufacturer told you that the development experience of numerous western modern enterprises shows that when the talent drain rate of enterprises exceeds a certain standard (3%~5%), enterprises will enter the danger zone, leading to bankruptcy.

The electric forklift manufacturer told you that in many Chinese enterprises, we can find that when employees flow frequently and lose on a large scale, middle and high-level enterprises begin to fidget, rush and lose their way. In fact, the current environment is very good, and the huge talent flow is normal. For example, Sony, many senior talents have become the target of "headhunting" companies. The scissor lift manufacturer believes that on the surface, the enterprise will cause a disturbance, but this is the performance of the company's talent recognition. We cannot make a simple judgment on the loss rate.

corporate culture

Some people mistakenly believe that the large flow of talents means that enterprises cannot retain talents. The electric forklift manufacturer thinks this is a misunderstanding. In a growing and healthy enterprise, the departure of old employees can just discard old bad habits to supplement new blood. No enterprise or individual can simply regard the large flow of personnel as the defect of enterprise management. The scissor lift manufacturer believes that, in any case, these lost talents are a valuable asset. After they leave the enterprise, they will not completely shift their attention from the enterprise. Many people who leave the company will think, "Where we have been, we will leave our care there."

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